Important announcement regarding the State Allowance for children from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine !!

  • Solicitation form ( It is very important that you also attach a phone number so that you can be contacted in case more information is needed from you); ( Download)
  • Temporary residence permits within the validity period in which the address in the municipality of Galați is entered, for parent/parents/legal representative and child;
  • Declaration on own responsibility certifying that the minor is dependent on the parent or his representative – standard form ANNEX 1 ( Download)
  • Declaration on own responsibility regarding the composition and residence of the family ANNEX 2 ( Download)
  • Documents regarding the capacity of representative of the minor issued by the Romanian authorities, if applicable.
  • Statement of a bank account in the name of the parent/representative of the child opened at a bank unit in Romania with which A.J.P.I.S Galați has concluded a collaboration agreement, if it is desired to transfer the money to an account. Revolut excluded.

IMPORTANT: In the situation where a full address does not appear in the temporary residence permit, the payment will only be made to the bank account.


  • The parents or, as the case may be, the representatives of the minors have the obligation that, every 3 months, starting from the month of submission of the application, they prove that they live at the address entered in the temporary residence permit by submitting a declaration on their own responsibility to the agency for payments and county social inspection that performs the payment of the right.
  • Failure by the parent or the minor's representative to submit the declaration results in the suspension of the payment of the state allowance for children.
  • In case of suspension, the resumption of the payment of the state allowance for children is made starting from the month following the presentation of the self-responsible declaration.
  • The parent/legal representative of the child is obliged to communicate in writing to the territorial directorate any change that has taken place, likely to cause the termination, suspension or modification of the payment of state allowance rights for children, within 15 days of their occurrence.


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Total vizitatori: 2


Date contact
  • Adresa: str. Fraternitatii, nr. 1, Galați, Romania
  • Telefon: +40 0236/307729
  • Registratura, Relații cu Publicul: +40 0236/307740
  • Resurse Umane si Salarizare : +40 0236/307786
  • Indemnizatie si Alocatie de stat : +40 0236/307796
  • Fax: +40 0236/307799
  • Email:
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